Boost Your Productivity: Unleash the Power of AirCal's Calendar Features

Create, Customize, and Share Calendars Like a Pro. All in a beautiful and intuitive interface.

App screenshot

Powered and integrated with the best


Revolutionize Your Event Planning with AirCal's Timelines

Never miss a beat with AirCal's amazing timeline view. Your events are listed in a beautiful and clean way, providing you with a clear and organized overview of everything on your calendar. This feature was designed to help you keep track of your events with ease and make sure that nothing slips through the cracks.

“AirCal has changed the way I plan and manage my events. With the timeline view, I can easily see all of my events in one place, making sure that I don't miss anything important. It's simple, elegant, and incredibly useful!”

Sebstien Andre, Software Engineer
Customer profile user interface

Create and Share Customized Calendar Templates with Ease

Say goodbye to boring, generic calendars and hello to a world of customization with AirCal. With our template mechanism, you can create stunning calendars with images, emoji, and beautifully formatted event descriptions. Share your unique templates with friends and colleagues, or even sell them to others in our thriving community. The possibilities are endless!

“If Airtable and Notion had a baby calendar, that would be AirCal.”

Romain de Wolff
Romain de Wolff, Founder of AirCal
Template copy user interface

AirCal's Key Features

Effortlessly manage your schedule and reach your goals with AirCal. The Most User-Friendly Calendar App

AI-Powered Event Manipulation

Input natural language prompts like 'Create 10 events of 2 hours in the next 2 weeks', and AirCal will create the events instantly.

Anchor Date Mechanism

Duplicate your templates and events with ease, using AirCal's innovative anchor date mechanism.

Task Management

Mark events as completed, just like a to-do list, and keep your schedule organized and on track.

Timeline View

Get a clear, bird's-eye view of your schedule with AirCal's beautiful and clean timeline view.

Template Sharing

Create and share your custom templates with others, making event planning a breeze.

Expressive Text Areas

Write and express your ideas in AirCal's beautiful text area for event descriptions.

Easy Event Manipulation

Shift and duplicate events with ease, so you can focus on what's important - your schedule.

Emoji-Filled Events

Add a touch of personality to your events by including your favorite emoji. Mark events as completed for added convenience.

Boost your productivity today.

Revolutionize Your Calendar Management with AirCal's AI-Powered Event Creation and Custom Templates

From the blog

Step into our world of productivity and get a sneak peek of the latest happenings and insights from our blog. From tips and tricks to best practices, our blog is your one-stop shop for all things AirCal. Keep an eye out for our freshly picked insights, brought to you by our team of experts.

Frequently asked questions

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Pricing - Free for now

Access all feature for free during our early beta.


A plan designed for independent professionals who need a flexible and efficient solution.


  • Basic calendar management
  • Access to the template library
  • 2 customizable calendars
  • Emoji and image support
  • Task management
  • Timeline view
Get started


Most popular

A plan that scales with your rapidly growing business.


  • All Freelancer Plan features
  • 5 customizable calendars
  • Collaborative editing
  • Anchor date mechanism
  • Customer support
Coming soon


A plan that caters to large organizations with complex needs and high demands.


  • All Startup Plan features
  • Unlimited customizable calendars
  • Advanced analytics and reporting
  • Priority customer support
  • API access
Coming soon


What's coming next

At AirCal, we believe in building a product that truly serves our customers' needs. That's why our roadmap is always evolving and adapting to the feedback and suggestions of our users. We're constantly working to improve and add new features to make your experience with AirCal even better. And we're proud to be an open company, sharing our progress and updates on Twitter for all to see. Join us on this journey and let us know how we can make AirCal the best calendar app for you.

  1. ✅ AI powered scheduling

    With AI you can create meetings via natural languages, specifying time, duration, description and add anything fancy you want.

    Learn more
  2. Custom Scripts

    With custom scripts, you will be able to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up more time to focus on what's important.

  3. Filter and Search

    Quickly find what you're looking for with advanced filtering and searching capabilities.

  4. Import and Export with providers like Notion, Google Calendar, AirTable

    Get started with dozens of web components and interactive elements built on top of Tailwind CSS.

  5. Public API

    Access the full capabilities of AirCal through our public API, enabling developers to build custom integrations and automate workflows.

Meet the team

We’re a dynamic group of individuals who are passionate about what we do and dedicated to building the best product experience for our customers.

Ready to get started?Get in touch or create an account.